
Anti-Allergen PreSpray is hypo-allergenic and designed for safe use around individuals who suffer from allergies, asthma, or chemical sensitivities.


  • Hypo-Allergenic
  • Use as a pre-spray when cleaning carpet, upholstery, or mattresses and prior to an application of Allergy Relief Treatment.
  • Environmentally safe and does not contain pesticides, perfumes, solvents, VOCs, or other hazardous ingredients.
  • Derived from renewable plant source surfactants.
  • Non-toxic to humans, animals, and plants.

Ready to use pH is 10.0


Instructions: Mix 1 part of Anti-Allergen PreSpray with 10 parts water (12 oz. per gallon of water). Mix well, apply to carpet, and agitate with a pile brush or rake. For best results use undiluted with an in-line pressure sprayer (10:1 tip) and agitate with a pile brush or rake. Rinse and extract with Anti-Allergen All Fiber Rinse.

For use on wool: mix 1 part Anti-Allergen PreSpray with 16 parts hot water (8 oz. per gallon). Mix well and apply to carpet.

ImageFormulated to meet or exceed all established standards of wool fiber producers and fifth generation stain resistant carpet manufacturers.