
Premium Detergent Booster has a unique property that increases the
cleaning strength of any liquid or powder detergents.


  • Enhances
    the performance of carpet, upholstery, and wall cleaning detergents to
    increase their power in removing stains, cleaning, and revitalizing the
    true color of fibers.
  • Dissolves very rapidly and becomes active immediately.
  • Effective over a broad range of temperatures.
  • Environmentally safe, easy to handle and use, and economical.


Must be mixed with a detergent, do not mix with water only. Accelerator
will lose its effectiveness after 12 hours and should be revitalized by
adding additional amounts of Accelerator to the cleaning solution.

For truck mounts: Add 3 oz. (3 scoops) of Accelerator to each 5 gallons of chemical stock.
For portables: Add 1 oz. (1 scoop) of Accelerator to each 5 gallons of ready to use solution.
For presprays: Add 1/2 oz. (1/2 scoop) of Accelerator per gallon of solution.
For in-line sprayers: mix 5 oz. (5 scoops) of Accelerator with 5 quarts of prespray.